Ants Laboratory
![Ants LAB](/_res/ot/img/graduate/new_intro_ants_lab.png)
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![박지혁 (Park, Ji-Hyuk)](/_attach/image/2024/06/aOXxyvTfnVEwnLMrzkBV.jpg)
□ 관심분야 ○ 보조공학 ○ 재활로봇기술 ○ 원격재활 □ 주요 경력사항 ○ 한국신경재활학회 회장 ○ 대한작업치료학회 국제이사 ○ 대한작업치료사협회 정보이사 ○ University of Kansas Therapeutic Science 박사 □ 주요 학술업적 ○ Effects of Mental Practice with Action Observation Training on Occupational Performance after Stroke ○ Sensitivity of the accelerometer as a measurement tool for upper extremity movement by stroke patients: a comparison with the action research arm test ○ 다요인기억프로그램이지역사회노인의기억력과메타기억,우울에미치는영향 ○ 국내 작업치료사의 역량지표 개발 ○ Effects of Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation During Hemiplegic Arm Reaching in Individuals with Stroke: An Exploratory Study ○ The effects of neurofeedback training on concentration in children with attention deficit / Hyperactivity disorder