Think One's Participation(TOP) LAB
![TOP LAB](/_res/ot/img/graduate/new_intro_top_lab.png)
- Outcome measure
- Robot Rehab
- Driving Rehab
- Occupation-centered
- etc
![박혜연 (Park, Hae Yean)](/_attach/image/2024/06/wzXgBHdTBnFSoQosrGWD.jpg)
□ 관심분야 ○ 아동작업치료 ○ 지역사회작업치료 ○ 메타분석 ○ 운전재활 □ 주요 경력사항 ○ 현 대한아동학교작업치료학회 학술이사 ○ 현 American Journal of Occupational Therapy 심사위원 ○ 2014 Florida International University Post-doc fellow ○ 2011 연세대학교 작업치료학 박사 ○ 2008-2010 대한작업치료학회지 편집간사 ○ 2008-2009 천사들의 집 작업치료사 ○ 2005-2007 세브란스 병원 작업치료사 □ 주요 학술업적 ○ The Effect of Occupation‐based Cognitive Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury: A Meta‐analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials ○ Effects of Early Intervention on Mental or Neuromusculoskeletal and Movement-Related Functions in Children Born Low Birthweight or Preterm: A Meta-Analysis ○ Difficulty in Mental, Neuromusculoskeletal, and Movement-Related School Functions Associated With Low Birthweight or Preterm Birth: A Meta-Analysis ○ Effectiveness of Eccentric Viewing Training for Daily Visual Activities for Individuals With Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis ○ Effect of Gravity on Movement and Muscle Characteristics for Daily Occupational Performance in Sitting and Side-lying Positions in Adults