Health Services Research(HSR) LAB
![HSR LAB](/_res/ot/img/graduate/new_intro_hsr_lab.png)
- Big Data
- Child Participation
- Quality of Life
- Health Services Research
- etc
![홍익표 (Hong, Ickpyo)](/_attach/image/2024/06/jUSCnKUahnMbRdEcfDtr.png)
홍익표 (Hong, Ickpyo) 교수
- 소속/직위
- 부교수
- 연구실
- 백운관 109호
- 연락처
- 033-760-2452
- 학위
- Ph.D. OTR/L (Medical University of South Carolina, 2016)
□ 관심분야 ○ 아동참여 ○ 삶의 질 ○ 빅 데이터 ○ 연구방법론 □ 관심분야 ○ 현) 대한작업치료사협회, 국제이사 ○ 현) American Journal of Occupatioanl Therapy 심사위원 ○ 현) Occupational Therapy International, 부편집위원 ○ 현) University of Texas Medical Branch, 겸임교수 ○ 2017-2020 University of Texas Medical Branch, 조교수 ○ 2016-2017 University of Texas Medical Branch, Postdoctoral Fellow ○ 2009-2011 서울재활병원 작업치료사 □ 주요 학술업적 ○ Comparison of functional status improvements among patients with stroke receiving postacute care in inpatient rehabilitation vs skilled nursing facilities ○ Pressure injury risk factors, skin care treatments, and rehabilitation utilization among older adults with stroke admitted to skilled nursing facilities ○ Association of social behaviors with community discharge in patients with total hip and knee replacement ○ Health-adjusted life expectancy according to lifestyle classified by the Yonsei Lifestyle Profile - BREF ○ Participation Difficulties in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Intellectual Disabilities: Findings from the 2011 Survey of Pathway to Diagnosis and Services