by 김준석 12
- 1. Qualification
- •Wonju Housing Complex is for undergraduate and graduate students of Yonsei University Mirae Campus with good moral.
- 2. Application Period
- •In normal circumstances, application notice is posted on website and notice boards in each dormitory at the end of the semester.
- •Wonju Housing Complex Website -
- 3. How to Apply
- •Undergraduate Students: Via Yonsei Portal (
- •Graduate Students: Via Wonju Housing Complex Website (
- 4. Reasons for Disqualification
- •Students with following reasons cannot be qualified to check-in.
- ①A student under disciplinary action due to the university regulations.
- ②A student who were expelled or left voluntarily from dormitory.
- ③A student with infectious disease.
- ④A student on a leave of absence.
- ⑤A student who is considered disqualified by the director. (e.g. a student with unacceptable behavior)
- 5. Permission for Residence
- •Selection process is normally done 1~2 months prior to the check-in date. Residency period will be decided by the academic calendar.
- 6. Selection Process
- •Freshmen are automatically qualified for residency if they want to.
- •Other students will be qualified by the selection criteria. The main criteria is merit·demerit points and GPA.
- 7. Selection Result Notice
- •The result will be posted on Wonju Housing Complex website. Students can find out the result individually.
- 8. Printing Out Bill
- •Students can print out their dormitory bill via Yonsei Portal. (Graduate students can check the account information on Wonju Housing Complex website)
- 9. Registration (Dormitory Fee Payment)
- •Students have to pay the fee during the designated period. (If the payment is not completed, selection will be automatically cancelled)
- 10. Designating Roommate
- •Students who completed the payment can designate their roommate via Yonsei Portal. (If roommate is not designated, Housing Office will assign randomly.)
- 11. Room Assignment
- •Housing Office will assign rooms in consideration of roommate designation and sleeping pattern.
- 12. Check-in Procedure
- •Students can check in after verifying identificaiton at the front dersk.
- 1. Checking Out during Semester
- •Students who want to check out early during a semester must inform to the Housing Office and go through following steps. (Including leave of absence and drop out)
- ①Submit the check-out application form. (Form is in website)
- ②Must return all items provided by the Housing Complex. (If an item is broken, a student has to pay by him/herself)
- ※If a student is checking out due to hospitalization or military service duty, he/she also has to submit the related documents.
- 2. Checking Out at the End of Semester
- •Students checking out at the end of semester has to go through following steps.
- ①All personal items must be removed by the date of check-out.
- ②Students have to clean their rooms by themselves. (If a room is found not cleaned at all, demerit points can be imposed)
- ③Must return all items provided by the Housing Complex. (If an item is broken, a student has to pay by him/herself)
- 3. Refund
- •If a student wants to check out early during a semester, he/she must submit the check-out(refund) application form first.
- •If a student submit the check-out(refund) application form, refund will be done as follows.
- 1) Full Refund: Submission of refund form before one day of the official check-in date.
- 2) Partial Refund: Submission of refund form up until 13th week of semester. {Cancellation fee (20% of dorm fee) + Amount of used period} will be deducted.
- 3) No Refund: Submission of refund form after 14th week.
- •If there is a problem about cleanliness or broken/missing items in a room, students have to pay the loss cost.
- •If a student is expelled, he/she cannot be qualified for residency for 6 months and only 70% of partial refund will be done.
- 4. Declaration of Expulsion
- •A student with following reasons can be expelled from dormitory.
- ①A student who violated dormitory regulations.
- ②A student under disciplinary actions due to the university regulations.
- ③A student with infectious disease.
- ④A student who is considered not suitable for common life in dormitory.
Move-in during Summer & Winter Break
- For Enrolled Students
- •Application Period
- ①Notice for application will be posted on website and notice boards in each dormitory.
- •Applying for Residency
- ①Students can apply via Yonsei Portal or website. (Same as Spring & Fall semester)
- ②Short-term residency is not available as a rule.
- •Registration Procedure (Dormitory Fee Payment)
- ①Undergraduate Students: Check the bill via Yonsei Portal and pay the fee within the designated period.
- ②Graduate Students: Check the account information on website and pay the fee within the designated period.
- •Check-in Procedure
- ①Students can check in after verifying identification at the front desk.